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The first domestic "Molybdenum Nickel Mine
Release date : 2020-02-29 16:49:13
  The "Guizhou Huagui Molybdenum Nickel Co., Ltd. with an annual output of 10,000 tons of molybdenum nickel desulfurization sulfuric acid plant" contracted by the company was formally commissioned on May 28, 2013.
  This device is the first large-scale production device in China that uses the roasting roasting method to desulfurize and molybdenum molybdenum ore.
  The operation of the device has played an exemplary role and promoted the improvement of molybdenum-nickel ore smelting enterprises that use molybdenum-nickel ore for further processing to improve the desulfurization efficiency of molybdenum-nickel ore and achieve larger-scale production.